Retro aunt b dance Attached to Post on 10/19/2014 2:35 pm by jdelay Share this:FacebookMoreRedditTumblrPinterestPocketLinkedInPrintEmailTwitterLike this:Like Loading... Attached Source A Look Waaaaay Back That's right! It's Aunt B. as we've never known her before! Yes, Aunt B. has taken a giant leap into world of clear & crisp media. Most importantly, I picked only one story and shortened it a lo... Aunt_B_img_2_Back_Cover
11/03/2014 jdelay The Best Google AppsHere is a list of some of the best Google apps (some, you may not have known existed): Life Hacker -...
06/30/2012 jdelay Moving…Another Adventure BeginsYes...we are moving again. Some of you know a few of the details, but we haven't been able to tell...