So…I bought another aquarium. The 30-gallon that I have doesn’t have a skimmer and is a little high maintenance. So, I bought a 55-gallon that’s a little more roomy and also has a little more modern configuration.
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Topaz – Teeth Pulled
Our little puppy had 6 teeth pulled. She’s back up and doing fine, but it took a bit out of her for a few days.
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Time-Lapse of Urchin
Urchins usually are very slow. Check out these time-lapse vids. They are active little critters. Notice him picking up a shell to wear as a hat in the second video. They do this for camouflage so they blend in with the sea floor.
Tank Update – Jan. 13th
It’s been a busy few weeks with the tank. I’ve been stuck in “ugly tank” mode. My nitrates have been spiking, so I’ve been performing 90-gallon water changes every week to keep things in check! That’s a lot of work, but it’s worked well, and things are finally stable.
I’m FINALLY able to add some “Cleanup Crew” members to make the tank sparkly, clean, and shiny! (background…invertebrates are very sensitive to nitrates, so they cannot be added until the tank has been cycled fully)
Makin Doors!
The doors are one of the hardest parts to build. They take constant abuse, being slammed, pulled on, and generally abused. It’s taken a long time, but these should be solid!
Update – 10-29-2023
A peppermint Goby. He does a great job of keeping the sand clean and really helps keep algae at bay. The clowns pushing Hawkfish out of their corner. He’s a goofball. Feeding him live shrimp has really brought out his colors. He’s expensive to feed, but so very bright… Lawnmower Blennie – Does the lions share of keeping the algae at bay. He’s also got “eylashes.” Gotta keep the doors square and true. Just a cute dog.
Aquarium – Base Trim Project
You should know that my brother was a finish carpenter and is an incredible artist. He helped design the trim for the base of the aquarium in one night. We spent the next day hacking this out. It was sooo much fun.
Trimming out a project is very “delicate” and takes a fair amount of time.
- Properly trimming out a project can make an ugly project look beautiful.
- On the other hand, a bad trim job can make a beautiful project look UGLY. So…I called my brother & look what we did.
We did our best to make it look awesome. My brother is an artist, engineer, and a carpenter. He works magic. See below:
The trimmed out stand ^^ Click “Continue reading” for details on the build.
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Wisconsin Trip
We took some time off and went to Wisconsin to decompress and relax a bit. It was a great time! We took the dog and just hung out for a few days, did some kayaking, and had some camp fires. Much fun was had.
New Inmates – Pictures
It’s been a while since I made a post. My apologies! I’ve been a little under the weather.
New fish have been added! Pictures are below. You can use your mouse or keyboard or mouse to browse the pics. Mouse over the pics for a description.
If you mouse over the pics, the reel will stop so you can gaze to your hearts content.
You can also click on the dots under the picture frame to select individual pics.
So ya know…
Fish Update – 8-12-2023
The fish have settled in and are doing great. They are ALWAYS hungry:) They seem to like the back-left corner of the tank (stage-right). They hang out there most of the time.
Smith – Clear Lake Trip
We recently made a trip to Clear Lake, Iowa to visit Greg and Donna. Much fun was had! Mini-golf was a hit.
Select Read More below for the pics:
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Two New Fishes!
We’ve added a couple of inmates to the tank:) Both are considered “maintenance fish,” because they help keep things clean in the tank. Its important to start with these kinds of fish to keep everything in balance.
Since the tank isn’t fully established, I still need to feed them on occasion, but they mostly eat algae and other “bad stuff” in the aquarium. Eventually, they will keep the tank clean and bright.
Click Read More for details.
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Aquarium – Running With Fish!!!
OK…the aquarium is finally up and running with all of the live rock and fish:
Click Continue Reading for a video of the fish and more details.
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Up and Running!!
The aquarium is finally fully functional, with some deco. It took a lot to get it this far. It looks great, and I’m super excited. Hoping to get fish in it “soon.”
More info in this article:
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Aquarium Update – It’s Happening!
Here it is…full of water. Pumps are running. Lights are on. Gettin ready for prime-time.
Spider in the Aquarium
When I was draining the tank (after adding the ship), a spider ran across the water’s top. It was very cool & the aquarium lights made it look amazing!
This a Wolf Spider renowned for its ability to walk on water. He must have crawled into the ship when I left it in the yard. Nature is amazing!
Aquarium Update – 7-18
So, I got the aquarium filled and cleaned up a lot. The lights are also in place. I’m making progress!