Moving…Another Adventure Begins

Yes…we are moving again.  Some of you know a few of the details, but we haven’t been able to tell everyone.  My apologies for not announcing this sooner.  But, for several reasons, we couldn’t say much or make a public announcement until now.



The company I work for is closing the site I work at, near Philly.  Unfortunately, this means everyone who works in this office has to find a new job.  I was fortunate enough to be able to work out a relocation to another office in down-town Chicago.



We have found a place to live and will be moving most of our stuff, this weekend, to Chicago.  I will be traveling back and forth between Chicago and Philly often, at-least for the next few months, and probably well beyond that.  We will have dual residency, having our house in Philly and our apartment in Chicago at the same time, to help us make this transition.




If you would like our mailing address, please shoot me a note or a message within facebook and I’ll send it to you.






We’re excited to start a new life in Chicago, especially since I have lived there before.  We are going to be living in Chicago proper (not the suburbs).  I will be taking public transportation from our house to the Boeing building in the loop (about a 20-30 minute trip).  I’m excited because this will be a much shorter commute than the one I have currently.

Marti is still working out the details of her job, but we believe she will begin looking for a job in Chicago shortly after we relocate.